Identification of Nrp2a and PlxnA3 signal transduction events

Project Description: 

Signaling pathways are critical for communication between cells during the growth and development of multicellular organisms. These pathways are regulated by a diverse array of ligand-receptor interactions that communicate specific signals throughout development. We are interested in characterizing the role of the ligand Sema3d in influencing cell division via receptor Nrp2a and joint formation via receptor PlxnA3 during skeletal morphogenesis of the zebrafish fin skeleton, with particular emphasis on the cytosolic signaling proteins activated in response to ligand Sema3d binding.
Our strategy for 2014 will be to (1) purify recombinant forms of receptor cytoplasmic domains, (2) isolation of proteins that physically bind to the purified domain and (3) identification of bound components by mass spectrometry. Completion of these Aims will provide novel insights
Front row: M. Kathryn Iovine, Ph.D., Rachael Barton, Joyita Bhadra, Bryan Berger, Ph.D.
Back row: Ivan Basurto, Nathanael Sallada, Jasmine Singh, Joshua Parris

Project Year: 


Team Leaders: 

M. Kathryn Iovione, Ph.D. (Biological Sciences)
Bryan Berger, Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering)

Graduate Students: 

Joyita Bhadra
Rachael Barton

Undergraduate Students: 

Ivan Basurto
Joshua Parris
Nathanael Sallada
Jasmine Singh